Canvas with Turnitin Plagiarism Framework

Create a Canvas Assignment with Turnitin

  1. Login to Canvas as an Instructor and navigate to a Canvas course.
  2. Select Assignments from the left hand menu.
  3. Click +Assignment to create a new assignment.
  4. Enter an assignment Title and Description.
  5. In the Points field, specify the number of points associated with the assignment.
  6. In the Submission Type field, select Online → Text Entry and or Upload.
  7. Under Plagiarism Review, select Turnitin from the droplist. The Turnitin settings will appear below.
  8. In the Assign field, specify the assignment Due DateAvailable From and Until date.
  9. Select Save to save the assignment.

Add Turnitin to an Existing Canvas Assignment

If a Canvas Assignment has been created without Turnitin, the teacher can still add it to the assignment.  Student papers which have already been submitted to the assignment will not automatically submit to Turnitin but new submissions will. 

Submit Previous Student Submissions to Turnitin

  1. Login to Canvas as an Instructor and navigate to a Canvas course.
  2. Select Assignments from the left hand menu.
  3. Select the assignment and select Edit.
  4. Under Plagiarism Review, select Turnitin from the droplist. The Turnitin settings will appear below.
  5. In the Assign field, specify the assignment Due DateAvailable From and Until date.
  6. Select Save to save the assignment.
  7. Select SpeedGrader. 
  8. Select Re-Submit to Turnitin button to submit the student paper to the Turnitin service. Repeat this process for each previously submitted paper.