Signup Reservation System FAQs

Will Participants automatically be sent reminders about the workshop?

Yes. Participants are automatically sent reminders 3 days and 1 day before the session. 

Will Participants be notified of any changes I make to a session?

Yes. Workshop participants will automatically be sent updates when they occur.

When will users be sent the post-workshop survey?

Users will be sent an email containing a link to the survey the day after the session has occurred.

Will Signup send certificates of attendance to users who I have marked as 'attended'?

Yes, so long as you have enabled certificates for your Topic. You can do this when you create the Topic, or at any time by choosing Update Topic Details when viewing the Topic. Attendees will be given a link in the email to all newly earned certificates, and previous attendees can go to their Reservations page to download all available certificates.

I need to send an individual participant an email; can I do this from Signup?

Yes. Click on the participant’s name in the View Reservations section of Signup. Your default email program will open and you will be allowed to send an email to the individual user.