Zoom Retention Policy

Records Retention

In order to comply with Texas State University records retention policy, it is recommended to keep all classroom recordings made using Zoom for two years.

These records fall within the category CUR230 – Course Records, and SAD200 - Student Records, Academic Department - and currently have a retention period of AC+2 years, where AC=end of the semester (four weeks after last class day) in which the course was taught. Your recorded meetings will save to your computer, and can be uploaded to Texas State's video content management system, Mediaflo.

It is our opinion that in order to be in compliance with FERPA, classroom recordings that contain identifiable student information (NetIDs, text chat, video chat, voice, names or images) not be reused for any other class or purpose at any time.

Lecture Recording with Ensemble Anthem

Texas State offers Ensemble Anthem for the recording and online playback of lectures. Ensemble Anthem allows users to create screen cast videos with just a computer and USB mic. All first call classroom computers have the software installed and can be freely added to any personal computer once a license has been granted to the individual.

Once recorded, the video is automatically produced and available for viewing online. If you are using Zoom to record non-interactive lectures for later viewing we recommend using Ensemble Anthem. Learn more about Ensemble Anthem.